About the Committee

The Committee envisions a framework that includes a longitudinal wellness curriculum for staff, students, and faculty, extracurricular activities, assessment, and sharing of tools to help individual and overall wellness. The Committee has taken a stakeholder engagement approach by seeking first to understand what is important to the students, faculty, and staff.  

Membership: The voting membership of the Wellness Committee consists of 19 members:

  • Nine (9) faculty members, elected by the faculty council (consideration should be given to broad departmental representation and there may be overlap between the categories of members in the following areas: UME, GME, leadership of the COM’s pipeline programs and representation from Student Counseling Services),
  • Seven (7) student members (one student from each medical student class, elected by the class, one PA student elected by the PA student body, one Bridge student, elected by the Bridge class, and one PhD student elected by the PhD students),
  • Two (2) staff members elected at a regularly scheduled staff meeting, and
  • A designee from the Dean’s Office – Administration (1).

Terms: Faculty and staff members of the Wellness Committee are appointed for a three year term, which may be renewed twice (9 years total). Student members of the committee are elected annually by the respective student bodies and may be the same members for the student’s tenure at the College.

Chair: The Chair of the Wellness Committee is elected by the voting members of the Committee and may serve for up to three one year renewable terms. The Chair prepares the agenda for each meeting.


Some of our activities include: 


  • Wellness 101 and 102 (current M3 class) 
  • Orientation May 2017 (M1)
  • Introduction to Wellness Small Group (M1)
  • Physician Burnout (M1) 
  • Introduction to Wellness Large Group (M2) 
  • Executive Functioning Large and Small Group (M1) 
  • Step 1- addressing the stress with M4 panel(M2)
  • Step 1- addressing the stress (M1) 
  • Protein, Exercise, and Wellness (M2) 
  • Interfacing with block directors on how to include wellness content in the curriculum
  • Two “Personal Nutrition” sessions (M1)


  • Campus-wide Eclipse Viewing Party 
  • Employee Appreciation Day
  • Prejudice reduction workshop
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