Professionals Resource Network for Substance Use

Are you concerned about your misuse or abuse of alcohol and/or drugs that might impact your ability to practice medicine safely?

Professionals Resource Network’s (PRN) mission is “to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, while also supporting the health and integrity of Florida’s healthcare and other professionals.”

Although the College of Medicine refers students and clinicians to PRN for referral when impairment is suspected, students can also self-refer to PRN for evaluation of a possible impairing condition.

The focus of these referrals is on identifying impairment and exploring options for accountability and treatment, as needed. For more than a decade, students who have sought out evaluation and treatment via PRN have gone on to complete their medical education and become practicing physicians.

If you are interested in learning more about PRN and the services offered, you can reach them by phone or email at:

Call 800-888-8776


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