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* Featured in This Week in The Journal.  PDF

Hong H, Wang X, Lu T, Zorio DAR, Wang Y, Sanchez JT (2018). Diverse Intrinsic Properties Shape Functional Phenotype of Low-Frequency Neurons in the Auditory Brainstem. Frontier Cell Neuroscience12:175.    PDF

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Sakano H, Zorio DAR, Wang X, Ting YS, Noble WS, MacCoss MJ, Rubel EW, Wang Y(2017). Proteomic analyses of nucleus laminaris identified candidate targets of the fragile X mental retardation protein. J Comp Neurol525(15):3341-3359.    PDF

Wang Y, Zorio DAR, Karten HJ (2017). Heterogeneous organization and connectivity of the chicken auditory thalamus (Gallus gallus). J Comp Neurol525(14)3044-3071.   PDF

Zorio DA, Jackson CM, Liu Y, Rubel EW, Wang Y(2017). Cellular distribution of the fragile X mental retardation protein in the mouse brain. J Comp Neurol525:818-849.  PDF

Wang X, Hong H, Brown DH, Sanchez JT, Wang Y(2017). Distinct Neural Properties in the Low-Frequency Region of the Chicken Cochlear Nucleus Magnocellularis. eNeuro. 2017 Apr 11;4(2).   PDF

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Sanchez JT, Wang Y, Lu Y, Burger MR, Seidl AH, Rubel EW (2017). Nucleus Laminaris. In: Shepherd G, Addona D, editors. Handbook of Brain Microcircuits. New York: Oxford University Press; 2017.   PDF


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Wang Y, Sakano H, Beebe K, Brown MR, Laat R, Bothwell M, Kulesza RJ, Rubel EW (2014). Intense and specialized dendritic localization of the fragile X mental retardation protein in binaural brainstem neurons -- a comparative study in the alligator, chicken, gerbil, and human. J Comp Neurol522:2107-28.       PDF

McBride EG, Rubel EW, Wang Y(2013). Afferent regulation of chicken auditory brainstem neurons: rapid changes in phosphorylation of elongation factor 2. J Comp Neurol521:1165-1183.     PDF

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Seidl AH, Sanchez JT, Schecterson L, Tabor KM, Wang Y, Kashima DT, Fraser SE, Huss D, Poynter G, Lansford R, Rubel EW (2013). Validation of the transgenic quail as a model for research in the avian nervous system – a comparative study of the auditory brainstem. J Comp Neurol. 521:5-23.      PDF

Wang Y, Rubel EW ( 2012). In vivo reversible regulation of dendritic patterning by afferent input in bipolar auditory neurons. J Neurosci32:11495-11504.      PDF

* Selected in This Week in The Journal. 


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