Research & Publications

Foundational Research & Publications
on Integration of Medicine & Public Health:

Relevant Research & Scholarly
Publications from Center-Affiliated Faculty:

Public Health:
  • Porterfield DS, Rogers T, Glasgow LM, Beitsch LM. Measuring public health practice and outcomes in chronic disease: a call for coordination. Am J Public Health. 2015 Apr;105 Suppl 2:S180-8.
  • Rust G, Satcher D, Fryer GE, Levine RS, Blumenthal DS. Triangulating on success: innovation, public health, medical care, and cause-specific US mortality rates over a half century (1950-2000). Am J Public Health. 2010 Apr 1;100 Suppl 1:S95-104. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.164350.
  • Beitsch LM, Castrucci BC, Dilley A, Leider JP, Juliano C, Nelson R, Kaiman S, Sprague JB. From patchwork to package: implementing foundational capabilities for state and local health departments. Am J Public Health. 2015 Feb;105(2):e7-e10.
  • Ai AL, Carretta H, Beitsch LM, Watson L, Munn J, Mehriary S. Medication therapy management programs: promises and pitfalls. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2014 Dec;20(12):1162-82.
  • Beitsch LM, Moran J, Duffy G. Why Don Berwick is almost right: how public health quality improvement operates within complex systems. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2012 Jan-Feb;18(1):70-3.
  • Geletko KW, Beitsch LM, Lundberg M, Brooks RG. Reducing the impact of the health care access crisis through volunteerism: a means, not an end. Am J Public Health. 2009 Jul;99(7):1166-9.
  • Brooks RG, Beitsch LM, Street P, Chukmaitov A. Aligning public health financing with essential public health service functions and National Public Health Performance Standards. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2009 Jul-Aug;15(4):299-306.
  • Barnhill KE, Beitsch LM, Brooks RG. Improving access to care for the underserved: state-supported volunteerism as a successful component. Arch Intern Med. 2001 Oct 8;161(18):2177-81.
Primary Care:
  • Rust G, Ye J, Baltrus P, Daniels E, Adesunloye B, Fryer GE. Practical barriers to timely primary care access: impact on adult use of emergency department services. Arch Intern Med. 2008 Aug 11;168(15):1705-10.
  • Rust G, Melbourne M, Truman BI, Daniels E, Fry-Johnson Y, Curtin T. Role of the primary care safety net in pandemic influenza. Am J Public Health. 2009 Oct;99 Suppl 2:S316-23.
  • Rust G, Strothers HS 3rd, Zimmerman RK. Re-engineering the primary care practice to eliminate adult immunization disparities. Ethn Dis. 2005 Spring;15(2 Suppl 3):S3-21-S3-6.
  • Rust G, Baltrus P, Ye J, Daniels E, Quarshie A, Boumbulian P, Strothers H. Presence of a community health center and uninsured emergency department visit rates in rural counties. J Rural Health. 2009 Winter;25(1):8-16.
Health Equity / Disparities:
  • Satcher D, Fryer GE Jr, McCann J, Troutman A, Woolf SH, Rust G. What if we were equal? A comparison of the black-white mortality gap in 1960 and 2000. Health Aff (Millwood). 2005 Mar-Apr;24(2):459-64. PubMed PMID: 15757931.
  • Levine RS, Rust G, Aliyu M, Pisu M, Zoorob R, Goldzweig I, Juarez P, Husaini B, Hennekens CH. United States counties with low black male mortality rates. Am J Med. 2013 Jan;126(1):76-80.
  • Levine RS, Kilbourne BA, Rust GS, Langston MA, Husaini BA, Gittner LS, Sanderson M, Hennekens CH. Social determinants and the classification of disease: descriptive epidemiology of selected socially mediated disease constellations. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 5;9(11):e110271.
  • Rust G, Levine RS, Fry-Johnson Y, Baltrus P, Ye J, Mack D. Paths to success: optimal and equitable health outcomes for all. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2012 May;23(2 Suppl):7-19.
  • Satcher D, Rust G. Achieving health equity in America. Ethn Dis. 2006 Spring;16(2 Suppl 3):S3-8-13.
Chronic Disease & Multi-morbidity (Multiple Chronic Conditions):
  • Leroy L, Bayliss E, Domino M, Miller BF, Rust G, Gerteis J, Miller T; AHRQ MCC Research Network. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Multiple Chronic Conditions Research Network: overview of research contributions and future priorities. Med Care. 2014 Mar;52 Suppl 3:S15-22.
  • Shim RS, Druss BG, Zhang S, Kim G, Oderinde A, Shoyinka S, Rust G. Emergency department utilization among Medicaid beneficiaries with schizophrenia and diabetes: the consequences of increasing medical complexity. Schizophr Res. 2014 Feb;152(2-3):490-7.
  • Daniels EC, Powe BD, Metoyer T, McCray G, Baltrus P, Rust GS. Increasing knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors among African Americans by use of community health workers: the ABCD community intervention pilot project. J Natl Med Assoc. 2012 Mar-Apr;104(3-4):179-85.
  • Rust G, Strothers H, Miller WJ, McLaren S, Moore B, Sambamoorthi U. Economic impact of a Medicaid population health management program. Popul Health Manag. 2011 Oct;14(5):215-22.
Mental Health / Behavioral Health:
  • Wielen LM, Gilchrist EC, Nowels MA, Petterson SM, Rust G, Miller BF. Not Near Enough: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Nearby Behavioral Health Care and Primary Care. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2015 Aug;26(3):1032-47.
  • Shim R, Rust G. Primary care, behavioral health, and public health: partners in reducing mental health stigma. Am J Public Health. 2013 May;103(5):774-6.
  • Rust G, Zhang S, Yu Z, Caplan L, Jain S, Ayer T, McRoy L, Levine RS. Counties eliminating racial disparities in colorectal cancer mortality. Cancer. 2016 Mar 11.
  • Rust G, Zhang S, Malhotra K, Reese L, McRoy L, Baltrus P, Caplan L, Levine RS. Paths to health equity: Local area variation in progress toward eliminating breast cancer mortality disparities, 1990-2009. Cancer. 2015 Aug 15;121(16):2765-74.
Maternal / Perinatal / Infant / Child Health:
  • Fry-Johnson YW, Levine R, Rowley D, Agboto V, Rust G. United States black:white infant mortality disparities are not inevitable: identification of community resilience independent of socioeconomic status. Ethn Dis. 2010 Winter;20(1 Suppl 1):S1-131-5.
  • Zhang S, Senteio C, Felizzola J, Rust G. Racial/ethnic disparities in antiretroviral treatment among HIV-infected pregnant Medicaid enrollees, 2005-2007. Am J Public Health. 2013 Dec;103(12):e46-53.
Child Health (including Asthma):
  • Malhotra K, Baltrus P, Zhang S, McRoy L, Immergluck LC, Rust G. Geographic and racial variation in asthma prevalence and emergency department use among Medicaid-enrolled children in 14 southern states. J Asthma. 2014 Nov;51(9):913-21. 
  • Rust G, Zhang S, McRoy L, Pisu M. Potential savings from increasing adherence to inhaled corticosteroid therapy in Medicaid-enrolled children. Am J Manag Care. 2015 Mar;21(3):173-80.
  • Daniels EC, Bacon J, Denisio S, Fry YW, Murray V, Quarshie A, Rust G. Translation squared: improving asthma care for high-disparity populations through a safety net practice-based research network. J Asthma. 2005 Jul-Aug;42(6):499-505.
HIV-AIDS & Other Infectious Diseases:
  • Rust G, Minor P, Jordan N, Mayberry R, Satcher D. Do clinicians screen Medicaid patients for syphilis or HIV when they diagnose other sexually transmitted diseases? Sex Transm Dis. 2003 Sep;30(9):723-7.
  • Zhang S, McGoy SL, Dawes D, Fransua M, Rust G, Satcher D. The potential for elimination of racial-ethnic disparities in HIV treatment initiation in the Medicaid population among 14 southern states. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 25;9(4):e96148.
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