Medical Student Research Opportunities

Engaging in research as a medical student affords the opportunity to move to the next level of learning. Apply skills to the discovery of new findings by working with a team of people who share similar interests.

The FSU College of Medicine encourages medical students at all levels to seek research opportunities that will enhance their experiences and develop and refine their scientific and clinical interests.

For medical students wishing to participate in research within the first two years of medical school (M1/2), including summer, the Research Notification Form must be completed prior to the start of the research project.

For students wishing to participate in a research project during their clinical years (M3/M4) at the regional campuses please contact the regional campus Dean to help you navigate the research process.

FSU Summer Research Fellowships for Medical Students 

Summer Research Fellowshipsare offered to FSU medical studentseach year working with College of Medicine faculty. Students and faculty must submit a proposal for their research in the Spring and selected students are awarded a fellowship in the amount of $4,000 to complete their proposed work during the summer months. Following the conclusion of their summer research, all Fellowship recipients will present their work in short format to a College of Medicine audience. First year medical students are encouraged to review faculty research interests and FSU College of Medicine Department websites to learn about areas of research at FSU CoM. For students looking for research opportunities as part of the CoM Summer Research Fellowship Program, please contact Ms. Suzanne Baker .

Download the Summer Research Fellowship Form & Guidelines  for details.

FSU CoM Summer Research Fellowship Timeline

Hear from current students as they share why you should consider applying for the Summer Research Fellowship program.

National Research Fellowships for Medical Students

Many medical schools and institutions offer national and international programs for medical students who are interested in exploring research as part of their career. Fellowships and scholarly programs are offered during summers or as year-long programs. Fourth- and fifth-year medical students can also participate in research electives. Our office maintains a database of summer research opportunities for medical students at . Programs, details, and deadlines are regularly updated, and the site is searchable by research interest and other keywords including deadlines (e.g., 2020 or November).

Summer and Year-Long Research Program Highlights
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) – Medical Research Fellows Program

Summer Medical Fellows Program is for students interested in exploring research as part of their career. Choose your own mentor and biomedical research project.

  • NIH Biomedical Research Training Programs: Summer Internship Programs (SIP)

Summer Internship Programs (SIP) are for students at various levels (from high school to post-doc) including medical students.

  • Center for Disease Control

The CDC Experience Applied Epidemiology Fellowship is a 10-12 month program is for 2nd or 3rd year students seeking experience in applied epidemiology and public health.

The CDC also offers a number of different student Internship and Fellowship programs.

This program is intended for medical students to consider a career in academic geriatrics.

Sponsored by the NIH, this program offers wonderful opportunities in areas of diabetes, hormone action, physiology or obesity. For students in the summer between their first and second year of medical school.

  • NIH Clinical Center: year-long and elective programs

Medical Research Scholars Program . This NIH program is a "year-long research enrichment" program provides mentored training in basic, clinical or translational research.

Clinical Electives for M3 or M4’s. Contact your regional campus Dean for advice. Apply through VSAS.

Other Resources for Medical Student Research

Here are some suggestions for finding research opportunities.

Institutions like the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School maintain lists of research and clinical opportunities.

Although this article is from 2009, it gives an overview of basic, clinical and translational research for medical students. Clinical and Translational Science Network (CTSciNET) – For Med Students, Research Training Opportunities Abound

Here’s a nice "Student Perspective" from students chosen to participate in the NIH Medical Research Scholars Program.

Other Training Opportunities for Medical Students

Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic (TOC) seeks to strengthen its ties to the community and FSU COM by supporting the medical students that serve Tallahassee. Submission deadline is November 1st to start the following Spring semester.

Program Information

Program Application (Blank)

Program Application (Sample Form)

A clearinghouse of information for health professionals and students seeking volunteer opportunities with underserved communities. The site is operated by the University of Massachusetts Medical School – Lamar Soutter Library: International Healthcare Opportunities Clearinghouse (IHOC).

This site links to a few opportunities.

The Poster Symposium is a way to share your research with colleagues in Florida.

Legislative Internship Program. Students can gain insight to the legislative process and how it "influences the delivery of health care, and instill in the student an understanding of the importance of participation in organized medicine."

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