Grand Rounds
Grand Rounds is a lecture series partnership between clinical and research faculty to offer presentations on both new research being conducted in the field, as well as practical clinical applications of that research. We hope you’ll join us for these exciting opportunities to hear what is happening in our research community at both the local and national level!
Who may benefit from attending Grand Rounds?
Any faculty, staff, or student seeking to gain knowledge about up and coming research in the medical field and how it may impact their lives and work.
Where and when are these events held?
Grand Rounds are typically held within the Durell Peaden auditorium in the Thrasher building at the College of Medicine on Florida State’s main campus. Lectures are typically held at 4:00 pm and there is a small reception located in the atrium after each event. Any changes in location and/or time will be reflected on the calendar located here.
Are these events open to individuals outside the College of Medicine?
Absolutely! Anyone interested in the topic is invited to attend. If you need additional information or have questions, including parking assistance or accessibility accommodations, you may reach out to our office for assistance.
Interested in inviting a speaker or being a speaker for a Grand Rounds event?
Please reach out to our Office of Research Administration via email . Please submit a brief biosketch and topic proposal.
The Division of Research and Graduate Studies presents 2024-2025 Grand Rounds!
More information and lineup details coming soon!