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On this episode of Health IQ with Heidi Godman, Heidi interviews Dr. Washington Hill, clerkship faculty at the FSU College of Medicine and his wife, Nurse Pauline Hill, who are back from Rwanda for a break from their mission with the Clinton Foundation. Also, she talks to Dr. Kirk Voelker, clerkship faculty at the FSU College of Medicine and the head of research at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, about cutting edge research happening locally.


We trust doctors with our lives, but who’s training them? Find out on Health IQ with Heidi Godman. Heidi talks with Dr. Bruce Berg, the Regional Campus Dean at the FSU Regional Medical School Campus in Sarasota.


Charlotte Maguire, regarded as the Mother of the FSU Medical School, is presented by Florida Governor Rick Scott with the Great Floridian Award. The award recognizes achievements of men and women who have made significant contributions to the progress and welfare of Florida.  Dr. Maguire was one of the first female doctors to open a pediatric practice in Orlando in 1952, which she ran for 22 years. Following her retirement, Dr. Maguire donated one million dollars to help jump start the creation of the College of Medicine at Florida State University.

Great Floridian Award


Governor Rick Scott is honoring one of the state’s first female doctors, Dr. Charlotte Maguire, with a “Great Floridian” award for the significant contributions she’s made to Florida.

Great Floridian Award


The Florida State University College of Medicine recently received a million-dollar donation to help search for a cure for the neurological muscle disorder known as dystonia. After their son was diagnosed with the disorder, Erwin and Stefanie Jackson made the gift to help search for a cure.

Million-dollar gift


Changes in personality traits can be attributed to a gain in weight says one Florida State University professor. Angelina Sutin, an assistant professor in the Florida State University College of Medicine, conducted research on 1,900 people of all ages and socioeconomic levels to understand how fluctuations in body weight might relate to personality changes. 

Weight Gain


Researchers have discovered clues that indicate 10 amino acids were able to produce proteins in high-salt environments--proteins that could have provided "metabolic activity for the first living organisms to emerge on the planet," according to a new study.

Voice of Russia American Edition Host, Andrew Hiller, spoke with Michael Blaber, a professor of biomedical sciences at Florida State University, to discuss the study.

Origin of Life


Research done by Angelina Sutin at FSU’s College of Medicine and her colleagues at the National Institutes of Health found that people generally become happier and more pleased with their lives as they age.

Happily ever older


Currently Florida allows 3 pharmacy technicians to work under every 1 pharmacist, but some lawmakers want to increase that ratio.  Bills in both the Legislature would up the number of technicians that a single Pharmacist can supervise from 3 to 6. Dr. Leslie Beitsch, associate dean for health affairs at the College of Medicine, shares his thoughts on the topic.

Pharmacy Techs


Florida Hospital announced a $2 million gift to support the Florida State University College of Medicine’s educational program in Orlando.

$2 million gift


Florida State University’s College of Medicine celebrates Match Day 2013 with "Match Madness." Match Day is the biggest day in four years of medical training and it determines where students will do their residency training.

Match Day 2013


A well-known Tallahasseean is escalating his crusade to conquer a devastating disease.  Tom Flanigan reports part of that effort involves a gala fund-raiser that takes place next week. Proceeds will go towards the Brian Jackson Dystonia Research and Discovery Program and the FSU College of Medicine. Dr. Pradeep Bhide, director of the FSU Center for Brain Repair, is among the interviewees.

Dystonia Fundraiser


Florida State University College of Medicine professor Dr. Jacob Vanlandingham is developing a drug to treat brain injuries.



Florida State College of Medicine professor Dr. Henry Carretta leads research into treatment of Asthma at Florida Hospitals.

Treatment of Asthma


Florida State professor Pradeep Bhide receives a grant from Florida State University's Grant Assistance Program to help further his research for a new ADHD drug.

GAP Award


Professor Myra Hurt, senior associate dean for research and graduate programs at the College of Medicine, and Research Associate Raed Rizkallah are developing a way to grow a never-ending supply of an important antibody used in many different forms of disease research.

GAP Award


For many doctors, it costs more to treat Medicaid patients than what they get back. And that’s led many doctors in the state, to either cap the number of Medicaid patients they treat, or not treat them at all. Dr. Marshall Kapp, a professor at the Florida State University College of Medicine, shares his thoughts on increasing Medicaid rates.

Medicaid Rates


This November Florida voters will have to decide more than just who they want to be the next President of the United States. They’ll also have to choose whether to add up to 12 different amendments to Florida’s Constitution. The proposals cover everything from how education dollars are spent, to who gets additional property tax exemptions. And for tonight Lynn Hatter reports the first thing voters will be asked is to choose, how far government should go when deciding healthcare issues?

Capital Report


Hispanic Business Journal, an online publication, recently released its 2012 list of the top ten schools for Hispanic students. Florida State University's College of Law earns the number three spot among the top law schools. And the FSU College of Medicine ranks number seven among the top med schools for Hispanic students

 FSU Headlines 


Florida State University’s College of Medicine welcomes 120 first year medical students with its annual White Coat Ceremony. The white coat celebrates two big milestones: the students are joining the medical profession and they have passed their first semester of summer classes.

White Coat Ceremony


Even though the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Florida Governor Rick Scott says the state will not follow through with optional portions of the law. So what is the future of healthcare in Florida? And how will it affect Floridians with and without insurance coverage? We’ve assembled a panel of experts who’ve been tracking the law very closely to help breakdown what the ruling means for the Sunshine State.

Affordable Care Act


Florida State University Biomedical Research Assistant Professor Ewa Bienkiewicz is developing a drug compound that could significantly reduce the damage caused by a vascular blood-related injury. With the help of FSU’s Grant Assistance Program (GAP) Award, she and five other researchers are getting the help they need to move their work from the lab space to the commercial marketplace.

GAP Award


Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on the federal healthcare law, several healthcare advocacy groups are calling on Florida officials to implement it in its entirety. But not everyone is on board. And others say the state has a valid point in taking things slow.  Florida State University Medical professor Marshall Kapp says Florida officials are right to be wary about the law.

Federal Healthcare Law


Is there any way to be sure what we want to have happen before our death actually takes place? Cathy Adkison and Reverend Candace McKibben with Big Bend Hospice and FSU Professor Marshall Kapp say there are important steps one can take in that direction, but there are no guarantees those advance wishes will be followed.

Final Wishes


Florida State University’s College of Medicine celebrates Match Day 2012 in Mardi Gras style. Match Day is the biggest day in four years of medical training and it determines where students will do their residency training.

Match Day


Florida State University Associate Professor Dr. Niharika Suchak has been named the 2012 Clinician of the Year by the American Geriatrics Society. Suchak says she is 'deeply humbled' by the honor.

2012 Clinician of the Year


It’s that special day of the year when love is in the air! Two Florida State University professors, including Dr. Robert Watson from the College of Medicine, give us a breakdown of what it means to be in love and what most people are buying their significant other for Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day


The sciences at Florida State University get down to business, and student veterans host a moving event to honor our nation's heroes.

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Florida State University's Dance Marathon presented a check to the FSU College of Medicine for $232,630. The money comes from more than $400,000 the philanthropy raised for Children's Miracle Network, and will support local school-based clinics and equipment for the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital pediatrics unit.

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Florida State University celebrates the Med School’s reaccreditation with an ice cream social. The College of Medicine is now the first medical school of the 21st century to be reaccredited.

Sound Byte [MP3]


Florida State University's med students don their fancy new threads.

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Lee Memorial Health System and Florida State University College of Medicine unveiled plans for a medical residency program in Fort Myers. It will be the first of its kind in Southwest Florida and the only one between Tampa and Miami.


If you think medical school is no fun--think again!  Florida State University's future doctors know how to have a good time, even on the biggest day in four years of medical training.

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Each year a group of students from Florida State University's College of Medicine devote their Spring Break to aid underserved communities. The group is called FSUCares, and next week they'll ship off to Immokalee, FL, Panama, and the Texas-Mexico border.

Audio [mp3]


Some of the biggest names in evolutionary medicine will be in Tallahassee Feb. 25 and 26 for an international conference at The Florida State University.

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There are many decisions in our lives we hope we are never forced to make. Of those, the choice between the life and death of a loved one may be the most feared. That fear may be eased, though, thanks to a new booklet out of Florida State University's Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law. Entitled "Making Medical Decisions for Someone Else: A Florida Handbook", the guide helps with planning for that undesirable moment.

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Florida State University College of Medicine graduate Joda Lynn was among the first 30 medical students in the college's inaugural class. Florida State Alumni Association President Scott Atwell sat down with Lynn to take a look at how far the College of Medicine has come since that first class began ten years ago.

Audio [mp3]


Ten years ago the Florida legislature gave Florida State University the go-ahead on one of its greatest endeavors to date. A decade later, that endeavor--the Florida State University College of Medicine--has turned into one of the most successful experiments in medical education in the nation. Joining the celebration is President and CEO of the Association of American Medical Colleges Darrell Kirch, M.D., who delivered the keynote address at a special event Thursday, October 7th.

Audio [mp3]


Florida State University receives $1.3 million in research funding from the State University System of Florida's New Florida Initiative. The largest chunk of that money--$300,000--goes to Florida State's College of Medicine to work with the University of Florida to develop a collaborative program in pediatrics, internal medicine and family medicine.

Audio [mp3]


The Florida State University College of Medicine is celebrating its 10-year anniversary. To mark the occasion, reporter Morgan Shepard brings you a three-part series detailing the story of a true dark horse that beat the odds. Part III: A Formula for Success

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The Florida State University College of Medicine is celebrating its 10-year anniversary. To mark the occasion, reporter Morgan Shepard brings you a three-part series detailing the story of a true dark horse that beat the odds. Part II: Initial Challenges.

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The Florida State University College of Medicine is celebrating its 10-year anniversary. To mark the occasions, reporter Morgan Shepard brings you a three-part series detailing the story of a true dark horse that beat the odds. Part 1: An Innovative Beginning.

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Dance Marathon, the largest student-run philanthropy at Florida State University, raises more than $200,000 for the Florida State College of Medicine.

Audio [mp3]


Ten years ago the Florida legislature gave Florida State University the go-ahead on one of its greatest endeavors to date. A decade later, that endeavor--the Florida State University College of Medicine--has turned into one of the most successful experiments in medical education in the nation. Joining the celebration is President and CEO of the Association of American Medical Colleges Darrell Kirch, M.D., who delivered the keynote address at a special event Thursday, October 7th.

Audio [mp3]


Anxiety disorders afflict women twice as often as men, but estrogen might not be the reason. Testosterone, though, could be. This from research conducted by Florida State University researcher Mohamed Kabbaj, associate professor in the College of Medicine.

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Ten years after its creation, the Florida State University College of Medicine is celebrating two major milestones.

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An effort being coordinated by the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine & Law at the Florida State University College of Medicine hopes to improve communication between end-of-life patients and their physicians with a clear set of medical orders for a dying patient's care.

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Florida State University College of Medicine students prepare for their week-long medical service missions as part of FSUCares. An outreach program, FSUCares sends students to three different underserved communities over Spring Break to provide basic medical care.

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A Florida State University College of Medicine researcher has been awarded two separate grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) totaling $2.4 million to continue her work in detecting autism in children as young as 18 months.

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Florida State University College of Medicine researchers test new methods to help bring down the number of smokers by focusing on family primary care physicians.

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