Faculty Research & Labs

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Faculty Profile Research Areas Primary Lab
Sex differences in development and behavior Arbeitman Lab
Developmental neuroscience, childhood onset movement disorders and cognitive disabilities of children and youth
Protein misfolding disease Bienkiewicz Lab
Cardiac genetic disorders and Sudden Cardiac Death Chelko Lab
Emerging contaminant-microbiome interactions including (1) antimicrobial and pharmaceutical modification, (2) antibiotic catabolism, and (3) functional metagenomics methods development in support of (1) and (2).
Role of histones in genome stability and cancer Gunjan Lab
Cancer mechanobiology and genomics Irianto Lab
Epigenetics of social behaviors and neurobiology of sex differences in anxiety and depression Kabbaj Lab
Synaptic physiology underlying cortical function and epilepsy Kumar Lab
Thymidine analogs as cancer therapeutics; neurogenesis and stem cell biology; cellular neurobiology
Molecular basis for circadian rhythms Lee Lab
Stem cells in Traumatic Brain Injury; reducing damage and improving outcomes
Biology of centrosomes, centrioles and cilia impact In disease Megraw Lab
Antibody responses, both structurally and functionally, to natural infection and vaccination to develop new antibody therapeutics and epitope-focused vaccines Mousa Lab
Cell cycle and neurogenesis in the developing adult nervous system; genetics of individual variation in the brain of mouse and man
Gary Ostrander, Ph.D.
The regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle contraction in normal and pathological conditions Pinto Lab
Macrophage function in cancer and CNS diseases Ren Lab
Neurodevelopment; Biomarkers and Biomonitoring of Chemical and Non-Chemical Stressors Stanwood Lab
Molecular mechanisms of liver fibrosis Stefanovic Lab
Biochemistry and biophysics of DNA replication, DNA repair, DNA lesion bypass, gene editing, and proteasomes; Exosomes, drug delivery, and drug discovery. Suo Lab
Regulation of proteolysis in health, cancer, and infectious disease; multidisciplinary analyses of the ubiquitin-proteasome system Tomko Lab
Single-cell transcriptomic profiling of pancreatic endocrine cells in normal, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders J Wang Lab
Chromosome segregation regulation and the response to the expression of misfolded protein Wang Lab
 Brain Development and Neurological Disorders Y. Wang Lab
Molecular, biochemical and electrophysiological analysis of neuronal ion channel function
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