
Article I – Name

The official name of this organization shall be The Florida State University Medical Student Chapter of the Florida Rural Health Association.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of this organization is to promote healthcare to rural citizens of the state of Florida in both policy and practice, give students the opportunity to become affiliated with rural health organizations in Florida, provide knowledge of legislative issues pertaining to rural health, and serve rural communities in health related events.

Article III – Membership

Membership in this organization shall be open to any medical or bridge student at the Florida State University College of Medicine interested in promoting rural health. Members must attend 2/3 of the meetings or present probable reason for absence to the secretary to maintain voting privileges and be in good standing.

No University student may be denied membership on the basis of race, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, parental status, disability, or the inability to pay dues.

Membership in this organization is in conjunction with but not limited to membership of the Florida Rural Health Association and membership in said association is required to vote, attend legislative functions of the Florida Rural Health Association, or be involved in any other function associated with the Florida Rural Health Association. An individual who meets attendance requirements, but does not join said association, may participate in other aspects of the club excluding the aforementioned Florida Rural Health Association activities.

Article IV - Dues

Dues of the Florida State University Medical Student Chapter of the Florida Rural Health Association shall be set at the student rate of dues by the Florida Rural Health Association.

Article V – Officers and Executives

The Florida State University Medical Student Chapter of the Florida Rural Health Association shall be governed by an Executive Board consisting of medical students for the following offices and executive member positions:


The President is responsible for all matters in general pertaining to the organization. The President will oversee the official business, preside over meetings, set meeting times, appoint duties to members, and serve as a liaison to the Florida Rural Health Association Executive Board.


The Vice-president will perform all duties of the President when the President is absent or unavailable. In addition, the Vice-president will assist any other officer and/or executive when necessary.


The Secretary shall take accurate minutes of each meeting, take attendance, excuse absences, post meeting times, and provide correspondence on behalf of the organization.


The Treasurer is responsible for the financial records of the organization. The treasurer shall prepare a report for each meeting to report the financial condition. The treasurer will maintain the bank account for the organization and see that both he/she and the President sign checks for the club. The treasurer will also prepare budget requests for the organization to the Medical Student College Council.

Florida Rural Health Association Liaison Alternate

This office shall be occupied by a member in good standing to represent the organization along with the President at executive meetings of the Florida Rural Health Association.

Medical Student College Council Representative

This office shall be occupied by a member in good standing. This Representative is required to attend all Medical Student College Council general meetings and vote on behalf of the organization. In the absence of this representative, the President shall vote at the Medical Student College Council meetings in his/her stead.

Food Chairperson

The Food Chairperson shall be responsible for coordinating rural, southern food at all functions pertaining to the organization when necessary. He/she may appoint members to assist with said duty.

Rural Project Coordinator

The Rural Project Coordinator shall be responsible for organizing rural service projects for the organization. This includes the organization of at least one function per year, but not more than two, unless voted upon by members and at the discretion of the Rural Project Coordinator. The Rural Project Coordinator may appoint any member to assist with the logistics of carrying out service projects of the organization.


The President-elect shall be elected at the beginning of the spring semester. He/she will be required to attend all executive and general meetings of the organization or have their absence excused by the secretary. At the end of the spring semester, the organization may vote to retain the President-elect during the general elections as the new President for the proceeding year. The purpose of this position is to provide a member the opportunity to learn the general functions of the club before they begin their duties as President if they are elected.

Article VI – General Guidelines

  1. All meetings shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
  2. Members shall elect officers at the end of the spring semester of each academic year, with the exception of President-elect to be elected at the beginning of the spring semester.
  3. Officers are chosen by majority vote of members. In the event of a tie, a revote will occur. In the event of an additional tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
  4. Any member in good standing is entitled to run for a position. Elections shall occur by nomination of candidates, brief speeches, and vote. Any person nominated for a position, but is unsuccessful in obtaining that position may run for the next position voted upon.
  5. To resolve disputes within the club that cannot be resolved democratically, the officers and members shall seek advice of the advisor/s and his/her/their decision shall be the final resolution of the matter.
  6. A quorum of at least fifty percent (50%) of members is required for purposes of voting.

Article VII – Amendments

Any issue not addressed in this constitution may be decided upon by voting members by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Additional amendments necessary for this organization to function properly and effectively may be added as needed.

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