
  • On April 20, 2017,the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law co-sponsored the 2017 National Healthcare Decisions Day continuing education event and resource fair with Big Bend Hospice. The event consisted of panel discussion on end-of-life care and advance directives in the FSU College of Medicine auditorium preceded by a community resource fair in the atrium.


  • On February 13, 2017, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law hosted its Sixth Annual Health Law Conference, "Patients as Consumers: The Impact of Health Care Financing and Delivery Developments on Roles, Rights, Relationships and Risks." The continuing education event took place at the FSU Alumni Center and consisted of a keynote address and three moderator led panel discussions. The conference was sponsored by the Florida Bioethics Network

          See photos below

FSU Alumni Center Grand Ballroom

FSU Alumni Center Grand Ballroom

Jason Altmire

Jason Altmire

Marshall Kapp, JD, MPH, Ken Brummel-Smith, MD, Michael Nair-Collins, PhD, Nancy Van Vessem, MD

Marshall Kapp, JD, MPH, Ken Brummel-Smith, MD, Michael Nair-Collins, PhD, Nancy Van Vessem, MD

Les Beitsch, MD, JD, Ken Goodman, PhD, G.C. Murray, JD, Andrew Wong, MD, Mel Hartsfield, MD, JD

Les Beitsch, MD, JD, Ken Goodman, PhD, G.C. Murray, JD, Andrew Wong, MD, Mel Hartsfield, MD, JD

Greg Todd, MD, JD, Barbara Abrams, MD, JD, Cynthia R Hall, PharmD, JD, Aline Kalbian, PhD, Jay Reeve, PhD

Greg Todd, MD, JD, Barbara Abrams, MD, JD, Cynthia R Hall, PharmD, JD, Aline Kalbian, PhD, Jay Reeve, PhD

FSU Alumni Center

FSU Alumni Center

  • On November 11, 2016, Center Director Marshall Kapp participated in a panel that discussed end-of-life decisions affecting specific populations at the Georgia State Law Review's symposium, "Quinlan at 40 - Exploring the Right to Die in the U.S." at the Knowles Conference Center at Georgia State Law.

Center Director Marshall KappCenter Director Marshall Kapp

  • On July 6, 2016, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law presented the discussion, "Update: Health Law Cases from the U.S. Supreme Court 2016 Term." During this discussion, the following cases were discussed: Zubic v. Burwell (Affordable Care Act mandate that employers provide insurance for contraceptives); Universal Health Services v. U.S. (interpretation of the federal False Claims Act in a case involving false Medicaid claims); Luis v. U.S. (freezing of financial assets in a case involving a fraud prosecution of a home health agency); Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt (legality of Texas abortion statute); Florida “Docs v. Glocks” case (involves Florida statute limiting the right of physicians to ask their patients about guns in the home); U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell (testing the president’s authority to subsidize insurers for the losses sustained by selling individual policies on the marketplaces).
  • On May 16, 2016, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law hosted guest lecturer Dr. Samuel Wolfman, Attorney at Law of Wolfman, Shaked & Co. of Tel Aviv, Israel for a presentation titled, "Bioethical Dilemmas in Mental Health Care and Law: An International Perspective." Dr. Wolfman is a faculty member at Haifa University Law School in Tel Aviv, Israel. He serves as the chair of the Statutory Tribunal for Involuntary Admissions of Psychiatric Patients.
  • On April 12, 2016, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law co-sponsored the 2016 National Healthcare Decisions Day continuing education event, "Take Charge Florida! End-of-Life Decisions and You" with Big Bend Hospice. The event consisted of a series of speakers lecturing on end-of-life care in the FSU College of Medicine auditorium preceded by a community resource fair in the atrium.
  • On February 10, 2016, Professor Kapp participated in an event titled, Reading into the Uninsured. This event was part of a week-long event called Cover the Uninsured Week (2016 CTUW).  2016 CTUW was sponsored by FSU Cares.

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  • On February 8, 2016, Professor Kapp gave the presentation, "Advance Medical Care Planning in Florida: Do You Really Think You Have Any Control?" at the Maguire Center of Westminster Oaks in Tallahassee, FL. The event was sponsored by the Forum at Westminster Oaks.

DiscussionEvent Photos

  • On January 27, 2016, Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law director Marshall Kapp presented "Health Law Cases in the U.S. Supreme Court: 2015-2016" to the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity at the FSU College of Law B.K. Roberts Building.
  • On January 25, 2016, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law hosted its annual conference "Medical, Legal, and Ethical Aspects of Pain Management in Florida." The continuing education event took place at the FSU Alumni Center and consisted of a keynote address and three moderator led panel discussions. The conference was sponsored by the Florida Bioethics Network.

           See photos below

Marshall Kapp, JD, MPH

Marshall Kapp, JD, MPH

Marshall Kapp, JD, MPH

Marshall Kapp, JD, MPH

Marshall Kapp, JD, MPH

Karen Rhew-Miller, JD

Marshall Kapp, JD, MPH

Marshall Kapp, JD, MPH, Allison Dudley, JD, Kathleen Barnett, RN-BC, MSN, Virginia Buchanan, Esq, Gilbert Chandler, MD

Les Beitsch, MD, JD, Martin Dix, Esq, Allen Grossman, Esq, Penelope Zeigler, MD

Les Beitsch, MD, JD, Martin Dix, Esq, Allen Grossman, Esq, Penelope Zeigler, MD

Greg Todd, MD, JD, Ken Brummel-Smith, MD, Nancy Chorba, MD, Jose Rodriguez, MD, Alissa Swota, PhD

Greg Todd, MD, JD, Ken Brummel-Smith, MD, Nancy Chorba, MD, Jose Rodriguez, MD, Alissa Swota, PhD

  • On January 13, 2016, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law hosted Big Bend Hospice's event, Lighting the Darkness: An Evening to Remember Lives Lost to Suicide. Not only did attendees have a chance to mourn the loss of their loved ones, but local vendors and services contributed by educating attendees on their efforts towards suicide prevention. To view the program, click here.

Big Bend Hospice's event

  • On November 12, 2015, Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law director Marshall Kapp co-presented “My Life, My Decisions…I think: Autonomy, Capacity & Impaired Mental Status” at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Denver, CO.

Marshall KappEvent Photos

  • On November 3, 2015, Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law director Marshall Kapp presented, "Nursing Home Culture Change: Legal Apprehensions and Opportunities" as part of the Institute for Successful Longevity's Brown Bag Series. To view his PowerPoint, click here  [ppt].

Marshall KappEvent Photos

  • On November 2, 2015, the FSU College of Medicine student group, the Health and Law Organization (HALO) presented "Vaccination Laws and Ethics with Claudia Blackburn, Health Officer for the Florida Department of Health in Leon County. Center director Marshall Kapp serves as HALO's faculty advisor.

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  • On October 14, 2015, Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law director Marshall Kapp presented, "Health, Law, and Medical Ethics" to the FSU Honors Medical Scholars Society. The Honors Medical Scholars Society was founded in 2008 and is focused on preparing its members for a future in the field of medicine. To learn more about the FSU Honors Medical Scholars Society, feel free to visit their website .
  • On July 15, 2015, Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law director, Marshall Kapp presented, "The Physician's Responsibility Concerning Guns and Older Patients," at the 34th International Congress on Law and Mental Health" sponsored by the International Academy of Law and Mental Health at Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, Austria.

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  • On July 7, 2015, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law presented the discussion, "Update: Health Law Cases from the U.S. Supreme Court 2015 Term," facilitated by Center director, Marshall Kapp. Recent health law court decisions discussed included King v. Burwell and Armstrong v. Exceptional Child Center, Inc.

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  • On February 9, 2015, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law hosted its annual conference "The Future of Medical Malpractice in Florida." The CME event took place at the FSU Alumni Center and consisted of four moderator led panel discussions.

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  • On November 7, 2014, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law presented the discussion,"Ebola and Quarantine: Legal and Policy Issues." The discussion, led by Center director Marshall Kapp and the Chair of the FSU Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine, Leslie Beitsch was open and free for the public to attend.

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  • On July 24, 2014, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law presented the discussion, “Health Law Cases from the U.S. Supreme Court 2014 Term,” facilitated by Center director, Marshall Kapp. Recent controversial Supreme Court decisions involving health-law (Hobby Lobby and McCullen v. Coakley) were discussed. View accompanying PowerPoint presentation .

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  • On April 16, 2014, National Health Care Decisions Day, Big Bend Hospice the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law presented "Dying in the 21st Century: Exploring Ways to Have a Meaningful Conversation About a Transition We All Will Make." The event began with a TED Talk by Dr. Peter Sauls after which a panel of local experts responded to local questions about the TED Talk. The event was moderated by Dr. Gregory Todd, and included panelists: Professor Marshall Kapp, Honorable Judge Robert Cohen, Dr. Nancy Chorba, Dr. Alma Littles, Minister Brant Copeland, and Dr. David Huang. 1.5 CEUs were available for nurses and social workers and certificates were available for chaplains. View the Flyer [pdf].
  • On April 12, 2014, Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law director, Professor Marshall Kapp and FSU College of Medicine professor of medical humanities and social sciences, Dr. Michael Nair-Collins presented "Is Good Medical Care Legal? Reconciling Ethics, Defensive Medicine, and Legal Risk Management in Clinical Practice", a two hour presentation and audience discussion. The event was held at the FSU College of Medicine Thrasher Building and BBQ was served afterwards before the Garnet & Gold Spring Game.

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  • On March 6, 2014, The FSU College of Law student Federalist Society hosted Professor Josh Blackman as he presented "Unprecedented: The Inside Story of the Constitutional Challenge to Obamacare" in Room 208 of the B.K. Roberts Building. Professor Marshall Kapp offered commentary.
  • On February 10, 2014, the FSU College of Medicine hosted the 10th Annual Research Fair in the College of Medicine Atrium. A poster entitled, Current Legal and Policy Environment for STI Testing in Pregnancy , was presented by Professor Karla Schmitt of the FSU College of Nursing, Professor Marshall Kapp and Jacob Zicarelli, FSU J.D.2013.

Event Photos Professor Karla Schmitt and Professor Marshall Kapp

  • On February 5, 2014, the Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law and the Florida Bioethics Network (FBN) sponsored a conference entitled, Cutting Health Care Costs While Improving Quality of Care: Ethics, the Tort System, and Reducing Defensive Medicine . Photos are below.

Event Photos John Santa, M.D.

Event Photos Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D.

Event Photos Jason Altmire, Pat Hogan, Ricardo
Gonzalez-Rothi, M.D., Kenneth Goodman, Ph.D., Nancy Van Vessem, M.D.

Event Photos Marshall Kapp, J.D., M.P.H. (at podium), Jason Altmire, Pat Hogan, Ricardo Gonzalez-Rothi, M.D., Kenneth Goodman, Ph.D., Nancy Van Vessem, M.D.

Event Photos Les Beitsch, M.D., J.D. (at podium)
Don Hinkle, J.D., Kenney Shipley, Robert Atkinson, J.D., Clemente Inclan, Esq.

Event Photos J. Brian Sheedy, M.D., Linda Keen, J.D., Judith Shipman, LCSW

  • On January 15, 2014, Professor Kapp participated in the "Affordable Care Act Panel Discussion" presented and moderated by HALO and co-sponsored by FSU College of Medicine student groups, the Business and Medicine Club and the Surgery and Anesthesiology Interest Group. The panel also included Dr. John Katopodis, Dr. Daniel Van Durme, Dr. William Weissert and Tamara Demko.

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  • On November 15, 2013, the Med Law Center along with the FSU College of Law and the FSU College of Medicine presented a CME/CLE event entitled, "Anticipating and Responding to Public Health Emergencies: Balancing Society's Interests and Individual Needs" [pdf]. The event included presentations by Professor Les Beitsch, Professor Marshall Kapp and Jennifer Tschetter. The event was capped off by a panel discussion of hypothetical cases which discussed how courts and public health systems operate after natural, biological and public health crises.

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  • On September 12, 2013, the Med Law Center hosted Grand Rounds speaker Philip K. Howard, J.D. who presented, "Remaking the Social Contract with Healthcare Providers." Mr. Howard is the author of several critically acclaimed books: The Death of Common Sense , The Collapse of the Common Good and Life Without Lawyers .

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  • On May 21, 2013,Professor Kapp spoke during Lunch and Learn Senior Days on "Making Medical Decisions: What Are the Patient's Rights and Responsibilities?" at the Fort Braden Community Center located at 16387 Blountstown Highway, Tallahassee, FL 32310. The event which included exhibitors, health screenings and lunch was sponsored by Leon County Senior Outreach.
  • On April 16, 2013, National Healthcare Decisions Day, the Center and Big Bend Hospice held a showing of the film, "Consider the Conversation: A Documentary on a Taboo Subject," at the College of Medicine. View the Flyer [pdf]. Students from the College of Law Health Law Association distributed information about end-of life care during the event.

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  • On April 13, 2013from 11:30-1:30pm, Professor Kapp moderated a two hour panel on "Helping Patients and Families Plan for Difficult Medical Choices: Death Panels or Good Medical Practice?" at the FSU College of Medicine. More Information [pdf].

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  • On April 11, 2013, Professor Kapp was a panelist during the Lively Technical Center Health Education Department Advisory Committee's 3rd Bi-Annual Scholarship Fundraiser, "Implications of the Affordable Care Act."  For more information, View the Flyer [pdf].
  • On April 8, 2013, the Center, the Division of Health Affairs, and the Masters of Public Health program sponsored guest speaker Patrick Geraghty, CEO of Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida during a symposium entitled: "The Health Insurance Indsutry Response to the Affordable Care Act." View the Announcement [pdf]. 
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  •  On March 29, 2013, Professor Kapp and Reverend Candace McKibben of Big Bend Hospice were interviewed by ABC News Channel 27 WTXL about the upcoming showing at the College of Medicine on April 16 of the documentary, "Consider the Conversation: A Documentary on a Taboo Subject."  Watch the Video and Read the Article . View the Flyer [pdf].
  • On February 28, 2013, Professor Kapp contributed as a panelist at the Bloomberg Government Briefing entitled, "Implementing the Affordable Care Act: Enrollment, Education and Taxes."  More Information
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  • On February 26, 2013, the Health Law Society, AIRR, and PILSA co-hosted a speaking event about the intersections between the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) and immigration. FSU's Dr. Rodriguez and FSU Law's Professors Annino and Kapp discussed how undocumented immigrants fall through the cracks, even under AHCA. The discussion will also explore how some hospitals in Florida and Arizona have started repatriating undocumented immigrants who require expensive, long term health care back to their countries of origin, sometimes against their will. 
  • On February 4, 2013, the Center and the Florida Bioethics Network (FBN) sponsored a conference, Health Care Reform: Legal and Ethical Questions About Where We Go from Here .  Photos are below.

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Jill Quadagno, PhD

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Jeffrey H. Khan, JD (at podium),

Mark B. Seidenfeld, JD, MA, Morris Miller, Esq.

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Ken Brummel-Smith, MD 

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Patricia Born, PhD

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Paulo Annino, JD, PhD

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Joyce Chastain, SPHR

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Kenneth W. Goodman, PhD

  • On January 22, 2013, at noon Professor Kapp and Dr. Van Durme spoke on the Affordable Care Act sponsored by the COM Florida Rural Health Association, Geriatrics Interest Group, American Medical Students Association, and HALO. View the Flyer [pdf]. Photos are below.
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  •  On January 10, 2013, Professor Kapp and Dr. Les Beitsch held a brown bag lunch discussion on "Firearms Regulations as a Public Health Issue: Lessons from the Newtown Tragedy."  Several faculty and students attended, and the event was covered by WCTV.  To read the coverage by WCTV, you may click Read the article by WCTV .  
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  • On November 13, 2012, Professor Kapp spoke on the “Baker Act: Involuntary Civil Commitment in Florida” at a meeting jointly sponsored by the Health and Law Organization (HALO) and the Psychiatry Student Interest Group (PSIG). View the Flyer [pdf].  See photos below.
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  •  On  November 8-9, 2012, the Health Law Institute at Hamline University and the Hamline Law Review presented a Symposium, "Legal, Medical, and Ethical Issues in Minnesota End-of-Life Care."  Professor Kapp presented on POLST.  This symposium examined problems arising at the intersection of law and end-of-life medicine. Regional and national experts explored issues and topics such as: legal and medical issues concerning the use of POLST orders, especially in Minnesota; institutional and community responses to medical futility disputes; and decision-making for “unbefriended” patients without surrogates. 
  • Professor Kapp taught a series of classes from October 3, 2012 - November 7, 2012 on Current Legal and Ethical Controversies in American Health Care sponsored by the FSU Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) and held at Westminster Oaks. Photos are below. View More Information
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  • Professor Kapp spoke on "The AHCA and how it will effect the Medical Practice in the Coming Years" at the Leadership Development Seminar hosted by the Seminole County Medical Society and the Orange County Medical Society in Orlando, FL on September 29, 2012.  He is seen below with Dean Deborah German of the University of Central Florida College of Medicine.
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  • September 20, 2012: Dr. Stuart Bagatell and Monsignor Gabriel Ghanoum presented at Mercy Hospital during Grand Rounds on "Enhancing a Moment of Grace: Clarifying Advanced Directives."  The presentation took place from Noon-2pm at the 6th Floor Conference Center.  Two CMEs were offered for physicians and 2 CEUs for nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and dieticians.
  • Professor Kapp was a guest on Capital Report, 88.9 FM WFSU-Tallahassee on September 14, 2012, at 6:30 PM & 9 P.M.  The topic was Florida Amendment One.
  • Professor Kapp facilitated a discussion, "Medical-Legal Implications of the Recent Shooting Incident in Colorado," with Kathy Lee, M.D., on August 17, 2012.  Therapist's duty to warn and/or control, mental health treatment and confidentiality, competency to stand trial, insanity defense, and gun violence as a public health issue, were discussed. 
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  • On August 8, 2012, Ken Brummel-Smith, MD, Tracy Christner, Stuart Bagatell, MD, and Professor Kapp presented a workshop, “Implementing the POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) Paradigm in Florida Long-Term Care” at the Pioneer Network’s August, 2012 Conference, “Building a Bridge to a New Culture of Aging,” held in Jacksonville, FL.  View More Information .
  •  On July 6, 2012Professor Kapp held a briefing and discussion on the Affordable Care Act.  Photos from the forum are below

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  • During the April 14, 2012 Alumni Reunionthe Center held a continuing medical education (CME) course entitled "Avoiding and Reacting to Medical Errors: Legal and Ethical Issues".  Professor Kapp moderated a panel which included Donald Hinkle, JD, Keith Ingram, MD, Linda Keen, RN, JD, Jacqueline Lloyd, MD and Michael Nair-Collins, PhD.  Photos are below.

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  • Professor Marshall Kapp presented with Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D. ( Chair, and Professor, Department of Geriatrics, College of Medicine, Florida State University, Tallahassee ), Stuart Bagatell, M.D. ( Affiliated Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Miami at Florida Atlantic University, Internal Medicine Residency, JFK Medical Center, Atlantis ), and Tracy Christner, B.S. ( Executive Director, Project GRACE, Clearwater ) at a workshop, "Beyond Advance Directives:  Implementing the POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) Paradigm in Florida",on August 24, 2011 at the Florida Conference on Aging in St. Pete Beach, FL. View PowerPoint Presentation [ppt]. View POLST Form [pdf]. View Check list for starting a POLSTprogram [pdf]. View Bibliography [pdf].
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From top left: Marshall Kapp, J.D., M.P.H., Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D., Stuart Bagatell, M.D., and Tracy Christner, B.S.

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